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  • emdhrorg

Egypt - Stop Deporting Eritrean Refugees

The Eritrean Movement for Democracy and Human Rights (EMDHR) is severely concerned about the impending deportation of Eritrean refugees in Egypt. This is in contravention of the UN 1951 Refugee Convention. These Eritreans fled Eritrea seeking protection and deserve their human rights to be upheld and to be able to live in safety and security.

We do not know the whereabouts of the Eritrean refugees that have previously been deported to Eritrea and Egypt is accountable for their protection and any fate that awaits them in Eritrea.

The ongoing detention of Eritrean refugees in Sudan is deeply troubling and we demand that all those who have been detained be released from detention. We ask that UNHCR and other bodies work to ensure that the human rights of Eritrean refugees is upheld and that they be provided with protection. The Eritrean refugees in Libya, Tunisa, Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia remain the most vulnerable and are in dire need.

EMDHR continues to work with partner organisations in assisting and advocating for Eritrean refugees. It is important that we are all the voice of the voiceless Eritreans and that we continue to raise their plight in all available forums to ensure their safety, security and wellbeing.


17 March, 2022

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