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EYSC, EMC, and EMDHR Joint Statement on the Death of Mr. Ahmed Nasser

We have learned the death of Mr. Ahmed Nasser, a veteran of the Eritrean revolution with great sadness and would like to express our sympathy and condolences to his family, colleagues, and the entire Eritrean people. Mr. Ahmed Nasser has dedicated his life to the Eritrean revolution and continued his struggle in the quest for freedom and democracy in our country. His passing is made more tragic by the fact that he never got the chance to enter his beloved country and live and rest in it with dignity.

As we mourn this great loss of yet another stalwart of our national revolution, we call up on our generation to give due respect to all veterans of the Eritrean war for independence and recognize their positive contributions and commitments. It is now up to us to meet the challenges we face as a generation and rescue our nation from a total destruction and establish a democratic political system supported by the pillars of freedom, justice, human rights, rule of law, liberty, respect, peace, and prosperity.

May the soul of Mr. Nasser rest in peace! Eternal Memory to all our martyrs!

Eritrean Youth Solidarity for Change (EYSC)

Eritrean Movement for Change (EMC)

Eritrean Movement for Democracy and Human Rights (EMDHR)

27 March 2014

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